Will soon get a BP6, need advice.

Batch codes, RAM specs, BIOS settings, etc..
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Post by kuun »

overclocking the celerons on the bp6 can only be done by upping the FSB.. as celerons are multiplier unlocked

the adapters you want are called NEO s270 adapters or find some cheaper "lin-lin" adapters

look at dereks Dual P3 mod notes on the site

good luck on the overclocking.. be sure to post us some pics we all love to see what ppl do with their bp6's
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Post by RRLedford »

NekoGuy, I just spent a lot of time putting together a H/W replacement for my 1st dead (capacitors) BP6 M-B. What I got first was a $40 ACORP dual P-III board that could go to 133MHz FSB and beyond. I wanted to use dual 1.26GHz/512KB P-IIIs. But, with Lin-Lin CPU adapters (required) this board would not detect Tualatin CPUs correctly for the 133+MHz FSB speed (only 100+MHz). Then I got an MSI dual P-III VIA chipset Pro266 M-B w/RAID. This board does DDR-2100 RAM & OC's to 166MHz. At $130 it's not cheap, but it is very solid & very fast with RAID0 Maxtor 7200/8MB 80GB drives!!
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