CPU fan headers not working.

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CPU fan headers not working.

Post by banshee »

OK, well the title more or less sums it up.

Neither of the CPU fan headers is working properly. If I connect fans to them they will work ok for a while (sometimes) before slowing down and stopping. Then of course the CPUs overheat.

Anyone know of this fault and any fixes for it. Other than running the fans from PSU adapter (as I'm doing now) or watercooling (can't afford it ATM)?

I know at least one other personhas this problem, but just how common is it? Is this the main reason that people watercool BP6s?
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Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2002 6:19 pm

Post by Snugglebear »

Watercooling is mostly done to overclock the chips to severely high levels. The water holds much more heat than does air, so it's much more efficient at cooling processors, even down to below ambient-levels (in conjunction with a TEC).

Anyway, there are two things that come to mind here. The first is that your fan headers have died, and it is possible. Boards grow old and things fail. The other is that the board is having issues with its caps or voltage regs, so I'd recommend doing a close inspection looking for bulging or leaking capacitors and any burnt-looking electronic components.
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